Covered Feedpads & Dairy Barns Designed To Increase Cow Comfort & Maximise Performance

Farm Sheds

Feedpad covers and dairy housing infrastructure such as loafing barns and freestall barns are smart investments.

These projects can provide a plethora of benefits to dairy farms such as increased milk yields and reduced labour costs. 

Dairy farmers also benefit from less stress and more spare time, and the wider industry becomes more successful and sustainable.

Effective Airflow For Reducing Ammonia, Heat & Moisture Build-Up

Airflow through the shed and effective ventilation is one of the most important considerations of a covered feedpad or dairy housing build.

Over the past 15 years our team have extensively researched building ventilation including Computational Fluid Dynamics studies. These studies consider building orientation, local climate and building size.

This research allows us to develop a roof design for your project using details such as width, roof pitch and ridge openings to influence the airflow.

Download the latest Covered Feedpads & Housing Guide to learn more about the design process and different option. 

Corrosion Protection For A Long Lasting Asset

All Action sheds are fully hot dip galvanized – both columns and trusses – and you can learn why, here.

Hot dip galvanized steel on your dairy infrastructure projects, whether it is a feedpad cover, calving shed or loafing barn will provide the ultimate corrosion protection in a highly corrosive environment.

Covering Feedpads For Maximised Cow Comfort & Results

Feedpad covers are popular for dairy farms with cows in supplementary feeding.

An Action feedpad cover improves cow comfort and can deliver excellent ROI such as influencing feed intake and increasing milk production, and there are operational benefits such as reduced feed wastage and less labour requirements.

Versatile Loafing Barns For Improved Herd Management

Action loafing barns have been successfully implemented in both smaller and large grazing dairy operations, improving general herd management and ensuring consistent performance by providing a comfortable environment year-round, rain, hail or shine.

These builds are also cost-effective and versatile as they can be converted into contained housing or repurposed for calving.

Low-Stress Freestall Barns For Increased Production & Operational Benefits

Successfully transitioning to a freestall barn requires resources and careful planning, however, the benefits are significant, including increased milk production, reduced labour constraints and improved effluent management.

We work closely with leading dairy consultants and internal fit-out suppliers such as Greencon and Lely to address every detail and ensure a seamless project delivery.

Partner With Action On Your Dairy Barn Project

Partner with Action on your project to take advantage of our holistic project methodology, backed by over 20 years of industry experience and research. 

Our product and service offering covers the complete process for your dairy barn project, from initial planning discussions with your dairy consultant and roof design recommendations to permit applications and project managed installation. 

Call us to schedule an initial project consultation

Feedpad Cover & Dairy Barn Options

5 Dairy Barn Projects To Inspire You

Researching dairy barn projects? Planning a new build? Looking for ideas? Positivity continues in the dairy industry with strong farmgate milk prices and expected year-on-year growth, despite challenges such as…

Standard Farm Shed Sizes
& Designs

The standard shed spans and sizes we offer have been extensively researched and designed to suit agricultural and farming operations.

If you require a particular size and shape please don’t hesitate to contact us and speak with one of our shed professionals.

Span Length HeightBay Size
15m  (50ft)x24mx6m8m
15m  (50ft)x32mx6m8m
18m  (60ft)x32mx6m8m
18m  (60ft)x40mx6m8m
21m  (70ft)x32mx6m8m
21m  (70ft)x40mx7.5m8m
24m  (80ft)x40mx6m8m
24m  (80ft)x40mx7.5m8m
24m  (80ft)x48mx7.5m8m
24m  (80ft)x64mx7.5m8m
24m  (80ft)x80mx7.5m8m
30m  (100ft)x56mx7.5m8m

Design Options & Ideas for
Your Farm Shed

We offer a range of options to help you customise and tailor you farm shed to suit your needs.

Learn about these options and discuss your farm shed project design with our building consultants.

Australian-Made Steel Cladding

We offer two cladding profiles for your shed project – Trimclad® or corrugated iron.

While most of our farm shed build are clad with zinc cladding, we do also offer Colorbond cladding.

If you aren’t sure which options would best suit your shed project, our guide helps explain the advantages and disadvantages of the two products.

View some of our feedpad cover and barn projects

127.5m x 24m x 5m loafing barn with 6m canopy

Terang VIC

142m x 40m x 6m feed pad cover

Meningie, SA

68m x 24m x 5m feed pad cover

Myall VIC

76.5m x 24m x 5m loafing barn

Cooriemungle VIC

192m x 57m x 5.5m freestall barn

Macorna VIC

Contact our expert building consultants today to discuss your requirements!

1800 68 78 88



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If you require a more detailed quotation or have some additional points to mention, feel free to call on 1800 68 78 88 to discuss your project in detail with one of the team.