Which Way Should My Shed Face

Which Way Should My Shed Face?

“Which way should my shed face?” is a common question – and  a good one!

Choosing the correct farm shed orientation will determine how well the contents of your shed  are protected. 

The orientation will also influence the airflow through the shed. This is an important consideration for sheds like loafing barns and feedlot covers

So, our building consultants have put together a guide on your shed orientation options. Read on to find out. 

If you would rather watch a short video answering, Which Way Should My Shed Face? click the play button below. Otherwise, keep reading more detailed information. 

Although it can depend on your location, and the environment surrounding your proposed shed site, here are the Pros & Cons of each orientation.

North Facing Shed Orientation

  • Pros:

    • Positioning your shed so that the opening is facing north will mean that the pad at the front of the shed will remain the driest. This is due to the way in which the sun moves across the sky – the front of a north-facing shed will always have direct sunlight
    • The inside of your shed will remain well-lit due to the amount of sunlight coming in from the northern opening.
  • Cons:
    • Often stormy weather blows down from the north, meaning that strong winds and rain may blow into the open side of your shed
    • Sunlight can shine a long way into your shed, this may mean that machinery components are at risk of being impacted

South Facing Shed Orientation

  • Pros:
    • Having a shed open to the south will mean that you will get very little sunlight into your shed – this ensures the best protection from sunlight for goods stored within the shed
  • Cons:
    • The pad at the front of the shed can tend to remain boggy during wet months, due to the fact that the southern side will always be shaded
    • Wind tends to often come from the south, meaning the interior of your shed may be more difficult to keep clean

West Facing Shed Orientation

  • Pros:
    • Nil
  • Cons:
      • As a general rule, all weather comes across from the west. Having a shed open to the west offers the least protection for goods stored within the shed. It normally also means that the engineers will have to increase material size, and the cost of the shed will increase.

East Facing Shed Orientation

Which Way Should My Shed Face

  • Pros:

    • Opening a shed to the east is by far the most common choice.
    • As a general rule, very little weather comes in from the east. This will mean that goods stored within your east-facing shed will be very well protected from the elements
    • With an east-facing shed you will get some morning sun on the front of the shed, meaning that the pad will keep relatively dry, but for the remainder of the day your goods will be protected from direct sunlight.

  • Cons:

    • Nil

For project specific advice on which way your farm shed should face, speak with one of our building consultants. We have also listed some additional articles and resources below.

Useful Resources

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