Researching best concrete panel sizes? Wondering what size to use for your shed project?
You have come to the right place!
This article is your ultimate guide to the best concrete panel sizes for farm sheds such as grain sheds, calving barns or multi-use storage sheds.
First up, we discuss the benefits of concrete panels and then we take a deep dive into the recommended panel sizes for different shed types.
You will also find plenty of project inspiration.
So, let’s get into it!

What Are The Benefits Of Concrete Panels For Farm Sheds?
Concrete panels have become popular additions to farm sheds in recent years.
This is a result of increased demand for farm shed infrastructure including grain sheds, fertiliser sheds, calf sheds, calving barns and multi-purpose sheds.
In fact, the Action pre-cast concrete panel plant was set up to meet this demand and offer our customers a high-quality and cost-effective panel option.
So, what benefits do concrete panels provide?
Well, concrete panels are recommended inclusions in these types of shed projects for three main reasons:
1. Concrete panels protect shed cladding from machinery damage
2. Concrete panels protect the shed cladding from corrosion and rust
3. Concrete panels make it easier to load, unload or clean out the shed
As a result concrete panels make your life easier and can increase the lifetime of your shed cladding, reducing maintenance and upkeep costs.
There are other benefits and applications of concrete panels too. For example, segregating different products in your fertiliser sheds.
So, concrete panels are a no-brainer for helping you get the most out of your shed.
And choosing the best concrete panel sizes helps make sure this is the case.
What Are The Best Concrete Panel Sizes For Farm Sheds?
The best concrete panel size will depend on the type of shed you are building.
So, read on to find recommended concrete panel sizes for your shed, learn why they work and discover ideas and other handy information.
Concrete Panel Sizes For Grain Sheds
The most common concrete panel sizes for grain sheds are:
- 3 metres high
- 3.5 metres high
- 4 metres high
So, why do they work? What else do you to know?
These concrete panel heights work for grain sheds because they accommodate the angle of repose of most grain types.
The angle of repose is simply defined as the angle at which grain will settle and be stable.

You might find the grain storage calculator below helpful, to work out how the angle of repose and bulk density will impact the capacity of your grain shed.
Grain Storage Calculator
Use the shed calculator for grain storage to help you determine the best grain shed size
First, enter your shed size and grain type. Then the storage volume and total tonnage will be displayed.
There are a few other things to note on grain shed panels.
Firstly, the most common panel size for grain sheds is the 3.5-metre option. This is because it provides additional cladding protection and capacity compared to the 3-metre option – this is a great way to future-proof your shed.
The 3.5-metre high panel is also more cost-effective than a 4-metre high panel.
When it comes to 4-metre-high panels, it is worth noting that once installed the height usually is around 3.8 metres high. Additionally, engineers typically still recommend storing your grain at 3.5 metres high.
So, the additional height may not be worth the cost. Either way, it would pay to keep these points in mind when calculating your grain shed capacity and cost per tonne.
Finally, concrete panels are also a segregation option for grain sheds – particularly if you are storing grain such as low-grade wheat. If you are considering segregating panels for your grain shed, you will find size suggestions and ideas further on in this article.
Concrete Panel Sizes For Fertiliser Sheds
When it comes to purpose-built fertiliser sheds, the most common concrete panel size is 3 metres high.
However, 2.5 metre-high panels can work well for smaller-scale storage sheds. This smaller panel can also work for general multi-use storage sheds – more on this later.

Large cropping enterprises find the 3-metre panel height works well for fertiliser storage – it is the most cost-effective and efficient method for bulk fertiliser storage
The height also provides sufficient protection from machinery damage when loading and unloading the shed.
While the 3-metre panel has been proven to work well for fertiliser sheds, if you do intend to store grain in your shed at some point it could be a good idea to upsize to the 3.5-metre panel.
This helps create a versatile and functional storage space – and helps maximise your return on investment.
We also have a handy fertiliser storage calculator which you can play around with to work out the best panel height and shed size to suit your fertiliser storage.
Fertiliser Shed Calculator
Use the farm shed calculator for fert storage to help you determine the best shed size.
Firstly, enter your shed size and fert type. Next, the storage volume and total tonnage will be calculated and displayed
And check out the gallery below for fertiliser shed panel examples – including large sheds with 3-metre panels and smaller sheds with 2.5-metre panels.
Like grain sheds, fertiliser sheds can also be segregated with concrete panels.
So, let’s take a look at the best concrete panel sizes for segregation.
Concrete Panel Sizes For Segregation
Segregating your grain shed or fertiliser shed with concrete panels is a great way to open up more storage options.
The height for segregating panels are typically the same as the wall panels – again this is to allow for the angle of repose.
However, while segregating walls have their benefits, it pays to keep in mind that permanent panels will reduce the overall capacity of your shed.
This is why our building consultants will often recommend you consider using movable t-walls or l-walls. Movable walls are good value for money, provide you with much more storage flexibility and help you make the most of your storage space.
Sizes for l-walls and t-walls typically range from 1 metre high to 3.5 metres high. The smaller panel sizes are a good option for multi-use sheds, commodity sheds for dairies and feedlots, temporary storage or smaller-scale storage sheds. More on this later!

Concrete Panel Sizes For Calf Sheds, Calving Sheds & Barns
A dairy is one of the most corrosive farming environments, so if there is anywhere concrete panels pay for themselves it’s here.
The recommended concrete panel height for dairy infrastructure such as calf sheds, calving sheds and loafing barns is usually 1.5 metres high.
A 1.5-metre panel works well in these situations because it helps make sure the footings don’t come into contact with mud, manure and bedding. It also provides excellent corrosion protection for the columns and cladding at cow level.
Check out the gallery below for project examples.
Concrete Panels For Commodity Storage Sheds
The best concrete panel sizes for commodity sheds for dairies and feedlots depend on a number of factors. These include the type of product/s being stored and the volume.
As a result, the recommended panel sizes can range from 1.5 metres high to 3 metres high. For example, the commodity shed pictured below uses 2.5-metre-high panels for almond storage.

1.5-metre panels can also work well for bedding materials. For example, this could be a good option if you are considering including a storage section in your calf shed.
Or, if you are building a bulk storage shed for grain, then the 3-metre-high option will likely be the right choice.
Ultimately, consider:
- What are you storing?
- How much are you storing?
- How will you be loading and unloading the shed?
- What will the shed be used for throughout the year and in the future?
You may find the information below on multi-use sheds and temporary storage helpful too.
Concrete Panel Sizes For Multi-Use Sheds & Temporary Storage
Multi-use sheds have been in high demand, as farmers look for ways to create functional farm shed designs and get the best value for their money.
One of the best ways to do this is to consider how you could incorporate concrete panels.
For example, a fully enclosed shed with concrete panels can be used for grain storage, fertiliser storage – or even machinery storage.

One of the most popular options is to install concrete panels in one or two bays of an open-front shed.
So, what are the best concrete panel sizes for multi-use sheds?
Like commodity storage sheds, this does depend on factors like what product you are storing in the shed.
For example, John Bennett’s versatile hay shed includes 3-metre-high panels to create a fertiliser storage bay. This can also be used for short-term grain storage at harvest.
Other common panel sizes to consider include 1.5 metres high and 2.5 metres high.
Movable t-walls and l-walls (ranging from 1 metre to 3.5 metres in size) are recommended for segregating multi-use sheds and also for temporary storage. For example, this is a smart way to make use of existing shed infrastructure.
The other way to do this is to retrofit permanent panels, which you can learn about here – Can I Retrofit Concrete Panels To My Shed?
So, that’s a wrap on the best concrete panel sizes for farm sheds! We hope this guide has been helpful. We have also listed some additional resources below that might be relevant to your project planning.
Useful Resources
- How Much Do Concrete Panels Cost?
- Standard Fertiliser Shed Size & Price Guide (PDF Download)
- Is This The Best Calving Shed Design?
- 6000 Tonne Shed For Darcra Farming
- Top Fertiliser Shed Questions – Answered!
Still looking for answers on the best concrete panel sizes? Looking for project-specific advice? Or ready to get your project underway?
Call us on 1800 687 888 to speak with a building consultant – we would love to help you!